
Články pro štítek Czech
13.7. 2023

Translating “FOR” in Czech

During my one-on-one lessons, my students are I chat in Czech. Does it also happen to you that you want to translate from your native language in your head? When we want to express ourselves in another language, sometimes it is too tempting not to translate. Most of my students’ mother tongue is English, which sometimes...

6.7. 2023

Let’s talk about means of transport

When it comes to using the means of transport in a phrase, we have to consider picking the right verb and of course, the right form of the noun (the particular means of transport). By the right form I mean the right case. What does that mean? Read below. Would you prefer to watch this lecture in...

8.4. 2023

Learn vocabulary in record time

The other day one of my closest friends told me: „I was testing my son on German vocabulary. I did it the way you taught me and I realized how effective that is!“ It’s important to mention that my friend was originally “just” a student of mine. I started teaching her Spanish on Skype in 2017 and over the...

24.3. 2023

How to Construct the Imperative Form in Czech

Why do we say počkej (wait), but nečekej for don’t wait? Making imperatives in Czech can be a bit confusing, but don’t worry (neboj se/ nebojte se), there are rules which we can follow. And, there are also irregular verbs which don’t follow those rules. Well, that’s Czech, you’re probably not surprised. First, let’s have a look at...

22.3. 2023

Stará třešeň

English version and a vocabulary list below Minulý týden jsem byla u maminky na návštěvě. Ukazovala mi, co zbylo ze staré třešně na zahradě. Museli ji celou pořezat, protože už byla suchá. Myslím, že jí mohlo být takových 60 let, možná víc. Mám na ni spoustu vzpomínek. Kolikrát jsem jako malá potají lezla na střechu a ojídala první třešně, které, podle slov...