Vánoční obchůdek

Welcome to my little Christmas store! Enjoy the most generous deals of the year on my video courses, my e-books and worksheets. Simply click on the link to see the product.

Open from December 12th to December 24th 2024.

The Christmas store is now closed. It will open again in December next year.
Veselé Vánoce!

Video courses: up to 50% off

 50% OFF 

A Fantastic Journey Into The Czech Language & Culture  (Click the link to preview the course)
(absolute or false Beginners) 
    Over 12 hours of video material

Are you planning on moving to the Czech Republic and you have little or no experience with its language? Or is your partner Czech and you wish to understand their culture and language? This course will help you start your journey! You will learn basic grammar and phrases while discovering the Czech Republic from the comfort of your home and build strong foundations of the language. 

 50% OFF 

Čeština na gauči (Learn Czech effectively)
    2 hours of video material + 70-page textbook

Throughout the course, you will learn a total of 121 words. Each video has about five minutes and presents 6 words. There are 20 videos focused on various practical topics. However, you will learn much more: useful words in a context, their spelling and pronunciation, useful remarks and related vocabulary and grammar at a relaxed pace.

 40% OFF 

Explore the Art of Original Czech Conversing
    Over 3.5 hours of video material + 87-page e-book

You will learn formal and informal everyday situations: sending a package, exchanging money, making a complaint, buying a train ticket or meeting the parents-in-law and having a small talk with a coworker. The material that I present here are original 11 conversations, which are narrated by various native Czech speakers. 

Therefore, 40% off applies. 

 50% OFF 

When Czech Stories Are Never Better 1
    A2/B1/B2 (Pre-Intermediate/Intermediate/Upper-Intermediate)
    2.5 hours of video material

This course is designed for learners who would like to improve their Czech through entertaining real-life stories that happened in Prague. These funny, heartwarming stories took place during awkward situations or even embarrassing encounters in public places. Learning Czech grammar, vocabulary and common expressions is just a cherry on the cake!

 50% OFF 

When Czech Stories Are Never Better 2
    A2/B1/B2 (Pre-Intermediate/Intermediate/Upper-Intermediate)
    3 hours of video material

Real-life encounters from Prague are back! As well as in the first part, in this course I will also teach you up-to-date Czech through another 15 entertaining stories. You will learn not only colloquial Czech, but also a mixture of lively language you can use to tell an engaging story to your friends and family. 

My E-books: up to 40% off

No need for discount codes. The discount on my e-books is already applied.
The 40% off does not apply to my newest e-book "The 100 Most Frequent Czech Nouns."

My First Czech Adventure (A1 & A2 levels)

My First Czech Adventure  is the perfect companion for beginners and elementary learners. Enjoy 20 entertaining short stories while learning vocabulary and phrases in context. Packed with exercises that will keep you motivated, this book makes learning Czech both fun and effective. Plus, you can listen to the audio recordings on your phone or in your car, memorize the stories, and impress your Czech friends by retelling them!

Click here to learn more or order.

 40% OFF 

Explore the Art of Original Czech Conversing (A2 & B1 levels)

Explore the Art of Original Czech Conversing  is a unique video course with 11 engaging dialogues that guide you step by step through the material. It feels like attending an online class but with the added benefit of watching the videos as many times as you like! You'll learn vocabulary and grammar in context, reinforced by additional exercises provided in the comprehensive 87-page e-book that accompanies the course.

Click here to learn more or order.

 40% OFF 

Just in Case (A2–B2 levels)

Just in Case  brings together all the knowledge you need about Czech grammatical cases in one place, but more importantly, it helps you adopt a positive approach in learning so that your language journey can begin successfully! Warm up to the cases little by little and have fun doing exercises. The e-book is accompanied by Study Tables that show all the declensions.

Click here to learn more or order.

 40% OFF 

The 100 Most Frequent Czech Nouns (A2–B2 levels)

The 100 Most Frequent Czech Nouns is the latest addition to my family of e-books. It's the perfect companion to Just in Case, but it is not only for grammar enthusiasts! You can simply enjoy learning the top 100 common Czech nouns in context and practicing them through fun exercises. Pick your favorite words and discover how to use them effectively!

Click here to learn more or order.

 Early bird price extended until December 24th! 

Packages with Worksheets

I created packages at a special price with material that you can purchase at the website Buy Me a Coffee. These packages will be available only until December 24th (end of the day).

Know Your Yerbs

These five worksheets will help you understand the imperfective and perfective verbs. You will learn the present, future, past tense and the conditional clauses. Normally, these worksheets cost 6 euros in total but you will get all of them for only 3 euros!

Expert on Verb Prefixes 

This whole package of all the worksheets with verb prefixes (12 in total) is also on sale. You will pay only 4 euros! Each worksheet has a list of verbs, plenty of example sentences, exercises and solutions. And of course it is linked to my YouTube videos.

The Cases

Demonstrative pronouns and a complete chapter on the dative case will open your apetite to the Czech cases. I also included a document with tables showing how to count Czech nouns (a free document).  7 euros worth material will cost you only 3 euros.