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14.2. 2025

Shorter Words in Informal Czech

In Czech, some words have two forms with the same meaning. Sometimes the longer form is informal, while in other cases, it’s the shorter one that’s informal. Let’s take a look at the latter! The shorter forms of the words in this post are more common for spoken Czech. Let’s start with the adverbs. The following...

15.2. 2024

How to Use Czech Verbs Ending in -OUT

“Oh, it’s one of those verbs. I never know how to deal with them!” my student tells me as soon as we come across spadnout (to fall). It belongs to this peculiar category of verbs that learners seem to be a bit afraid of, maybe rightfully so. It’s confusing when it comes to their conjugation until you...

11.1. 2024

‘Time’ in Czech. Understanding čas, doba, and období

Translating “time” in Czech can be challenging since there are many possibilities. Today, we will take a look at phrases and common expressions with the words čas, doba and období. Jdeme na to! 1. Čas Čas is the word a learner probably comes across early on. It usually refers to a shorter period of time, something that is possible...

4.1. 2024

Umím česky. Chci domů. When can we leave out main verbs in Czech?

You might have heard a Czech person say: Umím anglicky (I can speak English) or Neumím anglicky (I can’t speak English). Did they forget to add the verb ‘to speak’ (mluvit)? Let’s see what is going on. Watch a video about this topic here: First things first Let’s review the basics. We can leave out the main...

13.7. 2023

Translating “FOR” in Czech

During my one-on-one lessons, my students are I chat in Czech. Does it also happen to you that you want to translate from your native language in your head? When we want to express ourselves in another language, sometimes it is too tempting not to translate. Most of my students’ mother tongue is English, which sometimes...

6.7. 2023

Let’s talk about means of transport

When it comes to using the means of transport in a phrase, we have to consider picking the right verb and of course, the right form of the noun (the particular means of transport). By the right form I mean the right case. What does that mean? Read below. Would you prefer to watch this lecture in...

14.6. 2023

Talking about the Future

One of my subscribers once asked how we can express plans in the future in Czech. Here are my answers!You can also watch a video where I explain this topic: The first option that comes to mind about talking about the future is actually using the future tense. For that, we have two possibilities: 1. Future tense...

18.5. 2023

Don’t Get Intimidated by These Verbs

Watch a video lesson about this topic here. My students give me endless inspiration for learning videos. In one of my lessons the other day, my student and I somehow got to the verb mást (to confuse). She said, “I have never heard of such a verb.” Truth be told, it is more common to come across the...

22.3. 2023

Stará třešeň

English version and a vocabulary list below Minulý týden jsem byla u maminky na návštěvě. Ukazovala mi, co zbylo ze staré třešně na zahradě. Museli ji celou pořezat, protože už byla suchá. Myslím, že jí mohlo být takových 60 let, možná víc. Mám na ni spoustu vzpomínek. Kolikrát jsem jako malá potají lezla na střechu a ojídala první třešně, které, podle slov...